Thoughts from Thyme
Conversations, Cultivations, Inspirations
Welcome to Thoughts, a place where we share recipes, articles and guides, from our family, team and friends.
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English Rose
A delicious pink cocktail, using our freshly laid hen's eggs, whisked to produce this fluffy and enchanting cocktail incorporating homemade infusions and syrups.
Supplier Spotlight: Amie Wine
We came across amie wine through our friends at Aurelia and got to know the brand story, which immediately resonated with us at Thyme.
In the Area: Lorfords
We couldn’t be more delighted that our first foray into the furniture world is with Lorfords, seeing our Oak Leaf fabric adorning their Traditional Elmstead sofa, now available to be made for your own home.
Far more than the average Cotswold Space - Cotswold Life Magazine
"Sweetly scented roses, clouds of nepeta and clipped yew, at first glance the Ox Barn Yard garden at Thyme appears typical of so many in the Cotswolds. Yet closer examination reveals something far more interesting."
Words and photos by Mandy Bradshaw
Raisin Scones - Celebrating Her Majesty's 70 Year Reign
In celebration of her Majesty’s 70 year reign.
Victoria Sponge - Celebrating Her Majesty's 70 Year Reign
In celebration of her Majesty’s 70 year reign.
Laying the Table for your Well-Being
The idea that a tablecloth could make your food taste better might seem like a strange one. However, according to a scientific study, the impact that a beautifully dressed table can have on one’s perception of a meal is profound.
Question Thyme: The Gravity Technique with Caz Hitchcock
Caz is a human movement specialist. Caz guides you through movements that offer the opportunity to relax and re-pattern, restoring the body’s natural alignment and range whilst alleviating pain. Her sessions are focused on educating you about how your body works whilst providing you with a 'tool kit' of movements and exercises that enable you to take responsibility for your own health and wellbeing. Caz truly believes that we can all have the right to live pain free through education, empowerment and responsibility.
Happenings: Inspiring Meadowlands
Nothing beats sitting in the long grasses, warmth beaming down, and a sundowner served from an old Landy in hand. It is a scene reminiscent of an evening on safari. But this particular scene took place in ourWater Meadows, a reminder that wild spaces are not always a plane ride away and the nature on. our doorstep is in need of our attention. In partnership with Plantlife, we hosted a talk discussing not only how important meadowlands are in the UK’s conservation efforts, but also to human health and creative inspiration.
May in the Gardens
My dad didn't cut the lawn - or at least not often - he let it grow until it was knee-high and the neighbours muttered. Admittedly, my dad isn't much of a gardener and the lack of lawn-mowing was mostly because he never quite got around to it.
Supplier Spotlight: Gosnells Of London
Mead often conjures up images of Vikings, Beowulf and Game of Thrones, but the drink has a lot more to offer than its traditional novelty “castle gift shop” image suggests. Here at Gosnells we’re making mead modern, by shaking up aged perceptions of this honey based alcohol.
Question Thyme: Geoff Cox, Bee Keeper at Thyme
At thyme we keep a few hives of bees, from which we harvest fresh honey to be used in the Ox Barn. Today, we meet our Bee Keeper, who shares his knowledge on all things bees!
Question Thyme: Kim Smith, Co-founder of KLORIS CBD
Learn more about KLORIS, the CBD well-being brand who are harnessing the power of nature to help us heal.
Daily Habits with Chloe Hodgson
I am passionate about healthy eating and making it a lifestyle NOT a diet. I also believe that to build a healthy lifestyle it has to be about so much more than food - here are my own healthy habits for all areas of life.
Honey Granola
Our Honey Granola is one of the stars of the breakfast table at Thyme. Pair with fresh yoghurt and a seasonal fruit compote ... the perfect start to your day.

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