Thoughts from Thyme
Conversations, Cultivations, Inspirations
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Sweet Southrop Honey
Searching in the attic last summer for a lost suitcase, we were struck by a distinct sweet perfume that filled the air of the very dusty 17th century roof space.
The Spring Migration
Although the mornings are still cold, the wind has shifted to blow from the south bringing with it a wave of migratory birds that have been spending the winter in southern Europe or across the Sahara in West Africa.
Spring in the Meadows
It has been a cold start to spring this year, with even snow falling at the beginning of April, but over the past few weeks as the days have grown longer and warmer and the sun rises higher each day in the sky, spring has sprung.
Thyme Off - Tatler Magazine
“I’m the very first guest whisked off to the bothy to experience its founding signature treatment. Inside, it’s reminiscent of a Roman bath or even a luxury hammam - all warm stone opening onto a tiled courtyard with a trickling fountain and an outdoor fireplace .” - By Rose Van Cutsem for Tatler Magazine
How to make Charlie Hibbert’s orange and almond upside-down cake - Country Life
From Country Life magazine, a delicious dessert with a Mediterranean twist, Charlie's upside-down cake uses olive oil and orange in place of the pineapple you remember from childhood.
Thyme in Bloom - The English Garden
“Spring Blossom lights up the pathways, gardens and orchards at Thyme in Southrop, promising an abundant harvest of fruits as the season matures ”
Words by Vivienne Hambly, photographs by Sussie Bell
In Conversation With: Kate Friend
AS CHOSEN BY is a series of photographic portraits. The sitters are flowers, chosen by recognisable public figures. The result is a single flower and vessel, chosen by the sitter and shot in natural light at their home, studio, or garden.
Dandelion: The Ingredient Edit
Though many keen gardeners may think of dandelions as a nuisance, they are edible and have many medicinal properties.
Easter Sunday Recipes - The Sunday Times Magazine
A collection of Easter Sunday recipes by Cher Director Charlie Hibbert published in The Sunday Times.
April in the Gardens
Here at Thyme, there is a flurry of action. The number of red kites seem to have doubled and a blackbird has made a nest in one of our potted Christmas trees, robustly exclaiming if anyone walks too near.
Spring in Full Swing - The English Garden
“As the season gathers pace, Victoria bowser and her team are hard at work in the kitchen garden at Thyme, sowing and planting to meet the chef’s needs- including some of their more unusual requests.”
Words by Vivienne Hambly, photographs by Sussie Bell
Brushing Up - Botanical Art lessons in The Cotswolds - The Financial Times
At Thyme, a country-house hotel in Gloucestershire, guests can stroll in the gardens then learn to paint the plants that grow there.
Words by Rebecca Rose
The Spring Equinox
A bright yellow fluttery flash in the gardens yesterday was such a happy sight, a solitary male brimstone butterfly boldly heralding the first day of astronomical springtime.
Bertioli & Bell Hutley: Dragonfly & Waterlily
Bertioli & Bell Hutley: Dragonfly & Waterlily
Bertioli & Bell Hutley: Brimstone Butterfly & Buckthorn
Bertioli & Bell Hutley: Brimstone Butterfly & Sea Buckthorn

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