Daily Habits with Chloe Hodgson
I am passionate about healthy eating and making it a lifestyle NOT a diet. I also believe that to build a healthy lifestyle it has to be about so much more than food - here are my own healthy habits for all areas of life.
Use natural skincare products.
Change your pillow cover at least once a week. Don’t touch your face with dirty hands.The less makeup the better. This might take some time getting used to but layering on thick foundations and bronzers can clog up your pores.
Use a SPF with your moisturiser (even in the winter months).
In my 20’s I struggled with anorexia due to imposing a very restrictive diet on myself. I was way too thin, incredibly unhappy and unhealthy and this resulted in me losing my periods. Nowadays I don’t ‘diet’, count calories or live in a calorie deficit. Instead I eat predominately high carb, p lant-based foods and I have never felt so good. I have so much more energy, I feel full and satisfied after my meals, my skin is clear, I have better digestion and I wake up most days feeling happy and positive!
Set a daily intention.
Think of 3 things you are grateful for at the beginning and end of the day.
Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep – go to bed early and wake up early (10pm-6am is what I aim for as I can do 10 mins of movement before I have to get the children up).
Try and wake up at the same time every day.
Go for a walk for 30-45 mins. Do 10 mins of stretching or mobility exercises.
Aim for 45min-1hr of exercise, 5 days a week.Do workouts that you enjoy. Workout to get fit and strong - not because you want to lose weight.
Make exercise a priority – schedule it into your diary
as a meeting.