Thoughts from Thyme

Conversations, Cultivations, Inspirations

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In The Press, Foodie Thoughts Camilla Hibbert In The Press, Foodie Thoughts Camilla Hibbert

Lorfords L-Shaped - Cod with Fennel, Turnip Tops & Persillade

From Lorfords, L-shaped: “Over at Thyme in Southrop, Head Chef Charlie Hibbert leads the team at The Ox Barn restaurant. This week, Thyme has kindly provided this cod recipe which uses fennel and chilli flakes for a beautiful flavour. As we embrace longer days and milder weather, try this recipe for yourself at home..”

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Thyme Thyme

Supplier Spotlight: Floreat

Taking its name from the Latin term, meaning 'let flourish', Floreat is the creation of Anne-Marie Hurst, a qualified medical herbalist. Inspired from the reasoning behind the desire for a glass of wine, Floreat is the perfect drink to enjoy during a spa experience.

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The Land Camilla Hibbert The Land Camilla Hibbert

July in the Gardens

The month of July brings with it colour, sunshine and gloriously long, golden days. We are also feeling the heat and with temperatures soaring making work in the garden challenging, early morning starts are the order of the day. There is something very special about the first few hours of the day.

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Thoughts Poppy Stirland Thoughts Poppy Stirland

Question Thyme: Rapid Tapping with Poppy Delbridge

This week we speak to author, speaker and teacher of transformational energy techniques, Poppy Delbridge, ‘the UK’s leading tapper’ (Evening Standard) who in our next Wellness Wednesday will be taking you through a bespoke guided tapping journey to create a powerful state of wellbeing, self-belief and possibility.

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Founder Series Guest User Founder Series Guest User

A Touch of Spanish Flair ~ Kathryn Delevigne

A touch of Spanish Flair for the Orchid House

The bowl shaped ceramics, the ‘fajalauza’, encapsulates the Moorish design and architecture that the city is famous for. Camilla discovered these heavenly hand-painted pieces and thought they would add a touch of beautiful, romantic Spanish design to Thyme’s Orchid House.

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The Land Camilla Hibbert The Land Camilla Hibbert

For the Love of Orchids

Orchids are one of the largest families of flowering plants and are the national flower of many exotic places, from Costa Rica to Guatemala, Singapore to Assam. Their glamorous blooms are brightly coloured and very long living, with bilateral symmetry and a highly modified petal called the labellum or ‘lip.’ The many different varieties are instantly recognisable as an orchid.

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Guest User Guest User

The Orchid House Opening

Relax, unwind and take a little Thyme. There’s no better place this summer to be than our long awaited Orchid House. This now-open space boasts a sense of tranquility, positioned alongside our spring water swimming pool.

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The Land Camilla Hibbert The Land Camilla Hibbert

A Summer of Roses

As high summer approaches and the days are warm and long, we can feel midsummer on the horizon. The summer solstice is on the 21st of June, the day when the northern hemisphere is bathed in more sunlight than any other day of the year with the sun highest in the sky. It is the first day of astronomical summer and one for celebration.

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Thoughts Thyme Thoughts Thyme

Happenings: A Discussion on Art & Interiors

Chaired by Fiona McKenzie-Johnston, the panel saw interior designer Bunny Turner, art advisor Rebecca Gordon and gallerist Lyndsey Ingram introduce us to the worlds of art and interiors and talk us through the rules and how to break the, how the two worlds combine in organic, uncontrived ways, and the tricks to merging traditional and contemporary styles. Here are our spark notes.

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