Thoughts from Thyme

Conversations, Cultivations, Inspirations

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Happenings: A Discussion on Art & Interiors

Chaired by Fiona McKenzie-Johnston, the panel saw interior designer Bunny Turner, art advisor Rebecca Gordon and gallerist Lyndsey Ingram introduce us to the worlds of art and interiors and talk us through the rules and how to break the, how the two worlds combine in organic, uncontrived ways, and the tricks to merging traditional and contemporary styles. Here are our spark notes.

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Thoughts Thyme Thoughts Thyme

Happenings: Inspiring Meadowlands

Nothing beats sitting in the long grasses, warmth beaming down, and a sundowner served from an old Landy in hand. It is a scene reminiscent of an evening on safari. But this particular scene took place in ourWater Meadows, a reminder that wild spaces are not always a plane ride away and the nature on. our doorstep is in need of our attention. In partnership with Plantlife, we hosted a talk discussing not only how important meadowlands are in the UK’s conservation efforts, but also to human health and creative inspiration.

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