Thoughts from Thyme

Conversations, Cultivations, Inspirations

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The Land, Thoughts Camilla Hibbert The Land, Thoughts Camilla Hibbert

Barn Owl Season

Few animals have such a strong link with the water meadows at Thyme as the Barn Owl. Present all year around but only fleetingly seen or heard at dawn and dusk when they’re travelling to and from their roosting spots inside tree trunk hollows or the artificial nest boxes provided for them. It has been an unalloyed privilege to spend time in the meadows over the last few years and to regularly see the owls hunting over the rough grassland, quartering up and down the lengths of the fields, hovering momentarily with their head turned towards the earth, before dropping silently onto their unsuspecting prey.

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Thoughts Thyme Thoughts Thyme

Happenings: Inspiring Meadowlands

Nothing beats sitting in the long grasses, warmth beaming down, and a sundowner served from an old Landy in hand. It is a scene reminiscent of an evening on safari. But this particular scene took place in ourWater Meadows, a reminder that wild spaces are not always a plane ride away and the nature on. our doorstep is in need of our attention. In partnership with Plantlife, we hosted a talk discussing not only how important meadowlands are in the UK’s conservation efforts, but also to human health and creative inspiration.

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The Land, Thoughts Camilla Hibbert The Land, Thoughts Camilla Hibbert

The Spring Migration

Although the mornings are still cold, the wind has shifted to blow from the south bringing with it a wave of migratory birds that have been spending the winter in southern Europe or across the Sahara in West Africa.

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Thoughts Thyme Thoughts Thyme


Tusk is delighted to partner with Thyme in promoting the conservation of wild spaces at a time when biodiversity needs protecting more than ever. Tusk was founded 30 years ago to safeguard the wildlife and habitats of Africa.

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