The Power of Scent ~ Caryn Hibbert
My ambition to create a breathing balm has been long held and was founded in the knowledge that slow, deep breathing can be an extremely powerful tool for life with remarkable and profound effects on our wellbeing.
Central to the balm is its scent, which has been designed to inspire a love of nature, encourage conscious breathing and promote beauty for the mind. Water mint grows in abundance in the meadows and river banks here at Thyme and as you walk through the long grass on the waters edge its distinctive earthy fragrance fills the air. Delicious and memorable it encourages you to take a deep breath and is the inspiration for our Water Meadow collection.
Immersion in nature is a multi-sensorial experience that has long been established as having many health benefits. In a 2019 study carried out by Marcus Hedblom (Department of Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), it was shown that the overriding sense that delivers the health benefits from spending time outside is smell; establishing scents of nature as the single most important factor in our wellbeing response.
Scent also has the innate ability to trigger memory and elevate mood, providing a vehicle to transport you to a moment and place. Inspired by wild spaces and their fragrant botanicals, we have created healing scents of nature that embody the very essence of place. Our products are rich in botanical essential oils that encourage you to breathe deeply, transport you and immerse you in nature, support you to harness the wellbeing effects of immersion in nature and act as a focus for both the mind and the breath.
In triggering memories of wild spaces, our scents of nature also inspire a deeper connection to and engagement with the natural world, inspiring us to take action to protect and conserve it. Empowered by the knowledge that in nurturing nature, we nurture ourselves.
The Science of Breathing
The Healing Circle of Breath, Scent & Nature for Body, Mind & Planet
Imagine you are standing in a wild meadow, a place filled with long grasses, flowers and herbs, their delicate fragrance filling the air creating a scent that embodies that place, your mind takes a mental note.
Enveloped in these healing botanicals, you naturally take a slow deep breath, drinking in the scent of nature. A sense of peace and contentment floods through your body, a quietening of both body and mind, instilling a sense of calm, & focus.
Switching off the body’s stress response has profound effects on our wellbeing and understanding this gives you a powerful tool for life, enabling you to harness the body’s innate and powerful ability to heal itself. It is the immersion in nature, scent and conscious, deep breathing that together trigger this phenomenal wellbeing response and in turn, inspires a deeper connection to the natural world…
Breathing Balm
Available in 2 sizes - our 30ml pot is ideal for on the go, whilst the 100ml is perfect to have by your bed or in your bathroom.
Breathe: Any Time, Any Place
Nicole Croft, a yoga teacher and writer, takes us through three breathing rituals, using our Bertioli Breathing Balm.